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2024 BasketBull Tournament Rules

2024 BasketBull Tournament Rules

May 8, 2024

To Download PDF of tournament rules, 2024 Tournament Rules

Game Time16 Minute halves.  6th grade and younger – 14 min halves.  Overtime – 2 min.  After 2 OTs, director discretion – 1 min or sudden death.
Time outs3 Timeouts per game.  One additional for each OT
Bonus Shooting10 Fouls = 1 and 1, 13 fouls = 2 shots; NCAA Sanctioned events, 7 and 10 fouls in 2nd half only. 
Game PlayEach team will get a 4 min warmup and 3 min half-time. Home team is required to wear light or have 2 sets up uniforms available.
Personal FoulsA player is disqualified at 6 fouls. 
Mercy Rules2nd half only – 20 pt lead results in running time until lead falls below 20. 
Game BallOfficials will choose game ball.  29.5 for 6th grade and above. Girls divisions, boys 5th grade & below will use a 28.5 unless both coaches agree otherwise. 
Girls TournamentsWill count :10 in the backcourt. 
GenderAll divisions are gender specific.  Boys play in the boys divisions and girls play in the girls divisions, only. 
Technical/EjectionFirst technical, coach must sit on bench the remainder of the game.  2nd Technical, coach must leave the gymnasium.  If an ejection occurs, that coach or player, will have to miss their next game unless tourney directors decides otherwise. 
Bench PersonnelEach team can only have their head coach, (2) assistant coaches and players on the bench.  Two coaches per team allowed entry to tourney. 
ProtestAll teams should have proof of age/grade with them at all times during the tournament.  Protests can only be made by the head coach, before the game begins. 
Pressing/Zone Def3rd – 5th grade – pressing and zone only allowed in 2nd half. No pressing when lead is above 20.  If both coaches in game agree to press/zone in full game, they can do so, but must tell official beforehand.  6th and above do not have any restrictions
Player ParticipationA player is allowed to play on a 2nd team in the same tournament as long as said player is of age and its with the same organization.  A player cannot play on two teams in the same grade-division. 
Team/Fan ConductAll players, coaches, parents and spectators must act in a respectful and appropriate manner towards the facility, opposing teams, staffing and officials.  Anyone in violation of conduct issues can be asked to leave premises and may also put their team in jeopardy – via technical fouls or removal from tournament. 
Game Start Time15 minute grace period for teams running late unless otherwise approved by director and opponent.